George aime Beyoncé !!
@GeorgeMichaelGeorge Michael
Hey everyone , how r u my lovelies, i had a great birthday! Small group of great people, and a gay ol' time was had by all!
@GeorgeMichaelGeorge Michael
Something so generous about the fact that she covered songs that acknowledged Glastonbury's typical audience. Very few American artists....
@GeorgeMichaelGeorge Michael
Just watching Beyonce's performance at Glastonbury. I love that woman. Great artist, writer,singer, person
Un petit coucou de la part de George pour ses Lovelies hier soir, et il nous dit combien il apprécie Beyoncé, très, très bien George....Alors pourquoi pas un duo
avec cette artiste ?? Qui sait ?? Attendons de voir dans l'avenir.....